Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Secret #6

{ I know I should've posted this yesterday, but man it was another crappy monday... anyway here it is!}

I have a ridiculous imagination sometimes.


{Photo via Violette on weheartit}

But not necessarily in the way one would think. I'm talking about how my imagination runs wild when a guy talks to me. *giggle* ;) It's probably proof that I'm starved for some kind of social life *cough* a boyfriend *cough*. What I'm trying to say is that if a guy even says hello to me, or asks me a question, or is nice to me I give him a smile and behind my fluttering eyelids I see something similar to this:


{Photo via photobucket}

Maybe I'm not the only girl who does that, but I think it's really funny that if a guy gives me a smile I'm planning our first date, our first kiss, our wedding day. My mind takes off, and suddenly our entire future is planned out right down to sitting on an old front porch in creaky rocking chairs.

This really showcases my inner romantic, the closet side of me that I only reveal on special occasions/when I'm feeling particularly lonely, or down on myself. I want a life full of long walks on the beach, romantic candlelight dinners

But it really showcases my inner romantic, I guess. I want long walks on the beach, dinner and movie dates, actually any date.

I'm really shy/bashful I'm never brave enough to get to know a guy well enough, and make friends with a guy who then could ask me on a date. I know that it's really my anti-socialness that's the problem, and hopefully I can work on that.

But I still let my imagination run wild. I still see me being happy with the random guy who smiled at me.


{Photo via photobucket}