Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quiet Reflections: coming back down to earth

{So I was just in a really bad mood for the first half of today. Angry at myself, angry at school and stupid professors, and everything. And then I saw something on the news that brought me back to earth, and reminded me what life is all about.}

There was a boy who died this morning on the way to school where I live. He was seventeen. I didn't know him, but I've been crying for him. For his family and his friends who lost him. I cry because this time yesterday he had no idea that his last day on earth was slipping away. When he woke up this morning he probably brushed his teeth, ate his favorite cereal, kissed his mom goodbye. He didn't know he was about to die. All those times as a kid when he wondered what he would be when he grew up, or who he would marry, or where he would go to college won't ever happen, because now he's gone.

How does that happen? How does life get cut so sudden and so short? And because it does how do we so easily forget what life is about, and why it matters? How do we let so much slip out of our grasps?

To this boy, I am thinking of you, of your family and friends, of all the people who will remember you, of the imprint you left on the world. These balloons are for you. Rest in Peace.


To those who are reading this stop for a moment in your day, and remember why you're living it.

{photo via weheartit}