Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Feel Good Of The Day #18

{Actually this is for yesterday since I didn't get one in :) }


Monday, September 28, 2009

Secret #7

Sometimes I just want to be carefree like a little kid again.

{Photo via Weheartit}
I just want to go back to those times where mom and dad could fix everything, and they wanted to fix everything because I was small and cute and did everything they asked. Back when I didn't make any mistakes besides calling my sister a butthead. That time where tests, and papers didn't matter, all that mattered was that joyful innocence of living everyday. I wanted so badly to grow up, and now all I want is to reverse time. To be young and stupid again. To believe that the world was a good place and that I could have anything I wanted. Anything at all. Where the saddest thing in my life was that dog movie "Homeward Bound". Where I believed in myself, and didn't care what other people thought.

Back when I was happy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Feel Good Quote of The Day #17


From Beneath The Sheets #3

{This may very well have a different title every week ;)}


{Photo via Weheartit}

And here it is again, Sunday morning, relaxing and writing from underneath the cozy sheets of my comfy bed. I hope all of you are having a fantastic morning too.

Advice of the Week: Don't let homework (and or life in general) over stress you. Take a deep breath, step back from it all, and remember that it is going to be okay. Remember that life is good, love is great, and laughing is the best medicine of all.

So keep on laughing.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Love Letters #1

{I've seen on a few blogs writers who like to post poems/songs that they've written. Because I'm a fiction writer I thought it would be fun to do a love letter series. Disclaimer: The following is fictitious and in no way based on actual life events}

Dear Peter,

{ Photo Via We Heart It }

I have waited for you. I have hoped for you. I have even prayed for you. But you do not come to me. You do not even see me. Why am I not enough for you? Why am I not enough to make you want to grow up?

I can't wait for you to return from Neverland very much longer. I am getting older with the passing of each day, each hour, each second. And then our time will be gone, and you will be young just the way I remember. I will be old and covered in wrinkles unlike you remember. And it will be inevitable that my bones will become brittle, my hair white and thin, and I will die so quickly that you may never even know what happened to me, because you do not know what time is.

So come to me now. Fly to me on the night breeze, across the stars because I am enough. Because you have decided that you miss me and can't stand one more second without me. Because I love you Peter Pan and I can't stand one more second without you.

Please come back.

Wendy Darling

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #16


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #15


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quiet Reflections: coming back down to earth

{So I was just in a really bad mood for the first half of today. Angry at myself, angry at school and stupid professors, and everything. And then I saw something on the news that brought me back to earth, and reminded me what life is all about.}

There was a boy who died this morning on the way to school where I live. He was seventeen. I didn't know him, but I've been crying for him. For his family and his friends who lost him. I cry because this time yesterday he had no idea that his last day on earth was slipping away. When he woke up this morning he probably brushed his teeth, ate his favorite cereal, kissed his mom goodbye. He didn't know he was about to die. All those times as a kid when he wondered what he would be when he grew up, or who he would marry, or where he would go to college won't ever happen, because now he's gone.

How does that happen? How does life get cut so sudden and so short? And because it does how do we so easily forget what life is about, and why it matters? How do we let so much slip out of our grasps?

To this boy, I am thinking of you, of your family and friends, of all the people who will remember you, of the imprint you left on the world. These balloons are for you. Rest in Peace.


To those who are reading this stop for a moment in your day, and remember why you're living it.

{photo via weheartit}

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #14


Letters To My Future Self #3

Dear Self,

Remember that there are always hard times but maybe the hard times and crappy feelings make living worth it.

{via WeHeartIt}

The truth is, right now, I hate college, and I'm having a really hard time with it. I could quit but there's always going to be hard times, even for you future self. Just because college is over doesn't mean everything is going to end up happy and good all of the time. So through all of the crap and hopeless feelings remember to keep treading water to keep your head above the surface. Push through one more hour, one more day, one more week until the good times come.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ode To Autumn

Well not exactly, I'm not going to write a poem, but since today is the first day of fall (YAY!!!) I thought I would give a little nod to the weather, and urge it to stop getting hot where I live.










{Photos Via photobucket, fffound, and weheartit}

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #13


Secret #6

{ I know I should've posted this yesterday, but man it was another crappy monday... anyway here it is!}

I have a ridiculous imagination sometimes.


{Photo via Violette on weheartit}

But not necessarily in the way one would think. I'm talking about how my imagination runs wild when a guy talks to me. *giggle* ;) It's probably proof that I'm starved for some kind of social life *cough* a boyfriend *cough*. What I'm trying to say is that if a guy even says hello to me, or asks me a question, or is nice to me I give him a smile and behind my fluttering eyelids I see something similar to this:


{Photo via photobucket}

Maybe I'm not the only girl who does that, but I think it's really funny that if a guy gives me a smile I'm planning our first date, our first kiss, our wedding day. My mind takes off, and suddenly our entire future is planned out right down to sitting on an old front porch in creaky rocking chairs.

This really showcases my inner romantic, the closet side of me that I only reveal on special occasions/when I'm feeling particularly lonely, or down on myself. I want a life full of long walks on the beach, romantic candlelight dinners

But it really showcases my inner romantic, I guess. I want long walks on the beach, dinner and movie dates, actually any date.

I'm really shy/bashful I'm never brave enough to get to know a guy well enough, and make friends with a guy who then could ask me on a date. I know that it's really my anti-socialness that's the problem, and hopefully I can work on that.

But I still let my imagination run wild. I still see me being happy with the random guy who smiled at me.


{Photo via photobucket}

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #12


Sunday Morning Beneath The Sheets #2

I hope all you bloggers out there are having a nice Sunday morning, staying late beneath the sheets, and catching up on the lost sleep of the week, or watching a good movie, or reading an amazing book.

{Via We Heart It}

Advice of the week: Find time to treat yourself to something special. Everyone knows that life gets busy but if you don't stop, take a deep breath, and go buy yourself some ice cream or spend a half hour shopping, or doing whatever it is you love to do you might just go insane.

And Sunday is such a fantastic stay home day, anyway.

So make yourself breakfast in bed and read a book. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #11


Dear Professor #2

Dear Professor,
(ouch sorry that's two rants for you in a row!!)

So I understand that you think profanity in story makes it good. It has to be somehow disgusting, disturbing, have some twisted unrealistic ending. I beg to differ. All a story needs to be good is have human moments human characters. That glimpse at some small truth, or some moving passage that you read and say "oh my gosh I've been there". It makes you want to change how you live, it moves you to tears just because it means something to you personally. That's what fiction is to me.

And for your class I won't change my standards. I'm going to write what I think I should write. Period.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #10


Secret #5

I'm afraid to face the world.


{Via Sabino on Weheartit}

When things get hard, I just want to look away. Turn around. Give up. Things are scary out there. Being an adult, and accountable for your actions and choices is scary. The world can be harsh, but perhaps if we're brave enough, to turn around a look, there will be a lot of good things to see.

So take a deep breath, and face it.

One of those Days

I should've known when my hair refused to do what I wanted it to do, that today was going to begin really crappy.


{Via Perplexigirl on Wehearit}

I go to history, sit through a discussion on a book we read and wrote a paper on. Realize that my paper is WRONG. Try to fix, then erase corrections, accept fate, and turn it in.

Go to Poetry. Class workshops MY poem which I know stinks, but hey I'm not a poet. So I sit there, clicking my pen telling myself over and over that I don't care what they think. Guess I really do. They didn't get it. They didn't like it. My professor says it "had good moments". That's what I say to someone when their poem is so bad it can't be fixed.

Go to fiction, sit through fifty freaking minutes of nothing. Of my teacher rave about this disgusting, disturbing story that I won't even name. Realize that I have a short story due friday that I don't have any ideas on.

Go to be my car. I've been blocked in by some idiot who parked behind me against a red painted sidewalk. Hello idiot! Try to back out without hitting someone, whilst noticing a guy walking by and laughing at me.

Though it could be worse. I could be poor poor taylor swift who got snuffed by that douche Kanye at the VMAs.

I could be the kid walking in front of me as I exited the liberal arts building. Who instead of stepping through the door smacked into the window. Lol.

Smile Little Robot. It will be okay.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #9


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Letters To My Future Self #2

Never forget your family.


{Photo Via WeHearIt by .´¯`Â}

They may be really annoying, in fact they may drive you insane most of the time, but never forget they're the ones who put up with your whining. They help you when you're hurt, they find you when you're lost, they're there for you when you wake up with bad breath and hair the size of the state of Texas. They love you, don't forget to love them back.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #8

life quote Pictures, Images and Photos

{Via Findstuff2 on photobucket}

Secret #4

I hate applying myself.


{photo via photobucket}

Now really, how stupid of a secret is that? But it's the truth. I hate having to try hard. I just want to be good at it. I don't want to study for hours, I don't want to have to do my homework to get good grades. I don't want to move up to a better paying position because I'd actually have to try at work. I often don't write just because it's hard. And why am I like that? I don't want to be. I don't want to be that kind of lazy. I want to work for it, because it always tastes sweeter that way. I think it probably goes back to the change issue. I don't want to change for anything. I want to stay the same, for time to be unmoving. But I know that things have to keep chugging on. I know that I have to work hard.

But it doesn't change the fact that I don't want to. :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Feel Good Quote Of The Day # 7


Letters To My Future Self #1

{ Melissa B. over on So About what I said (melissabxoxo.blogspot.com check it out!) Writes letters to her future husband which are totally adorable, and poetic, and inspiring. I was going to do that, but was inspired instead to write letters to my future self, about what I want to remember about my life that's right now. Enjoy!}


Dear Self,

There have been times where life hasn't been easy. The adjustment to college was literally painful. Staying up all night to write a paper or cram for a test. Saying goodbye to Grandpa last January. Hoping Grandma can fight off cancer just a little bit longer, because you're selfish and want her to stay forever.

There have been lonely times, sad times, mad times. So the most important advice that I can give you, future self, is to never give up on it. By "IT" I mean life, on living. Sometimes it's easy to forget that we're on this planet for just a short time, that none of us will get out alive in the end. It's easy to get caught up in school, and work, and whatever else is going on. It's easy to be drowned out, to lose yourself underneath it all. You become a cog in the machine, and I'm sure in the future it will get worse. Driving kids to soccer practice, PTA meetings, all that jazz. So don't lose yourself underneath it all. Remember who you are, and who you were.

Remember life is worth every last second.