Monday, August 31, 2009

Dear Professor #1

{Nothing against college professors in general, really just my professors, presumably the ones I can't stand and the ones who make university worth it}

So you see Mr. Fiction teacher, today in class when discussing the art of writing I couldn't believe your dissing of the mass publishing market, of the lined shelves of Barnes and Nobel, or your corner bookstore. In fact I believe you said that you don't understand how a spy/mystery novel fits into the art of writing at all. Really... REALLY? Who are you to say that what the spy/mystery/writer who caters to the "average reader" does not sculpt a piece of art? To them writing that novel IS their art. And people READ their art. And oh believe it or not people can actually LEARN things from it. That's right, I dare say it!

When someone picks up a book it isn't always because they want to focus on/discover the complicated inter workings of the human mind. Sometimes they want to be superhuman, or go on adventures that humans wouldn't really ever go on, because it's different, it's completely unrealistic, but that's why it's fantastic. I'm sorry that you think reading a piece of fiction about a man cheating on his wife teaches us about life, that it explores some kind of flaws in humanity. Believe it or not a love story about a man who adores his wife could be just as well written, AND could be published for the "average reader" as you put it.

Maybe the inter workings of your mind are too complicated to understand the simplistic nature of reading a novel for FUN.

Oh and wait, there's more!

Sometimes I read Bubblegum/cotton candy teen novels (that I BY THE WAY WRITE) and actually learn something.