{Nothing against college professors in general, really just my professors, presumably the ones I can't stand and the ones who make university worth it}
So you see Mr. Fiction teacher, today in class when discussing the art of writing I couldn't believe your dissing of the mass publishing market, of the lined shelves of Barnes and Nobel, or your corner bookstore. In fact I believe you said that you don't understand how a spy/mystery novel fits into the art of writing at all. Really... REALLY? Who are you to say that what the spy/mystery/writer who caters to the "average reader" does not sculpt a piece of art? To them writing that novel IS their art. And people READ their art. And oh believe it or not people can actually LEARN things from it. That's right, I dare say it!
When someone picks up a book it isn't always because they want to focus on/discover the complicated inter workings of the human mind. Sometimes they want to be superhuman, or go on adventures that humans wouldn't really ever go on, because it's different, it's completely unrealistic, but that's why it's fantastic. I'm sorry that you think reading a piece of fiction about a man cheating on his wife teaches us about life, that it explores some kind of flaws in humanity. Believe it or not a love story about a man who adores his wife could be just as well written, AND could be published for the "average reader" as you put it.
Maybe the inter workings of your mind are too complicated to understand the simplistic nature of reading a novel for FUN.
Oh and wait, there's more!
Sometimes I read Bubblegum/cotton candy teen novels (that I BY THE WAY WRITE) and actually learn something.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dear Professor #1
Posted by Mindy at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dear Professor
Feel Good Quote Of The Day #6
Posted by Mindy at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Secret #3
I have so neglected you! School started, and whoom off it goes. But I'm making a goal to take time to keep blogging because I do love it so!
Secret #3
I'm afraid of people. Afraid of what they think of me, of what they see in me, of what they want from me. How stupid is that, really? You can't run your life off of people's opinions of you. I know this, and yet, the doubt, the shyness. It's still there. And I still worry.
Posted by Mindy at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Secrets
Monday, August 24, 2009
Feel Good Quote Of The Day #5
Posted by Mindy at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Secret #2
I'm afraid I'll never be good enough to do the things I want to do.
See the thing about writing is that it's very subjective. People have to like it for you to make a living off of it, right? So instead of spending my time actually doing what I'm good at, I spend it pondering whether or not I'll ever actually get a chance to do it (as in get published, have readers, etc.) And does that really make any sense?
Shouldn't I spend my time doing it instead of worrying about it?
Just write.
I love that phrase, it's simple yet speaks volumes. Pack away the worry, and the fact that I secretly doubt my worth, and just do it because I love it.
Posted by Mindy at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Secrets
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Feel Good Quote of the Day #4
Posted by Mindy at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Write It Down
So I listened to a very interesting discussion about journal writing today, and it really made me think about not only blogging, but keeping a journal just for yourself. Record your life. For future generations and for your future self. And hey even for your present self. Spew those bad feelings, and then rip up the paper and chuck it (that way you never have to read it again, ha ha.)
But writing is so important. I think sometimes when I'm doing it I catch a glimpse of myself, of the person I am deep down on the inside, that part of you that you forget exists, or that you've never met. It's there waiting for you to find it.
So write.
Posted by Mindy at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Other
Sunday Morning Still In Bed
So I couldn't think of a better name for the segment at the moment, but I thought it would be cool to showcase one of my favorite sunday activities, which is staying tucked in bed late into the morning, avoiding having to get up and do that boring breakfast-shower-make-up-hair-teeth routine for a just a little while longer.
Anyway, it is in this segment that I will unleash "Confessions" which are different than secrets. Confessions are more of slightly embarrassing tidbits about myself.
So here it goes. Confession #1
I am addicted to the ABC Family show Make It Or Break It. It's full of stupid girl drama, but I LOVE IT.
And the season finale is tomorrow :(
What will I do with out?
Writing From Beneath the Sheets, hope you have an awesome Sunday.
- Miss Mindymus.
Posted by Mindy at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sunday Morning
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Feel Good Quote Of The Day # 3
Posted by Mindy at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Technically It's Sunday...
But I'm posting as if it were Saturday. haha. I spent all day being bored, until the end of it. When I worked with Imovie and made a little slide show of some pictures I've taken over the year - because I LOVE photography, amateur photography that is... ;)
But I set it up to this song called Beautiful Life, and it made me realize...
Life is Beautiful, and we only have it once. Why am I spending it as a shut in? Why am I resigning myself to this fate?
So the challenge here I offer to everyone, including myself.
There is only one life. Live it the best of your ability, and don't waste it.
I don't want to waste it anymore. Find out what's important, like family and friends, and doing what you love the most. Don't listen to the criticism of others unless it's constructive. And always love, there can never be too much.
Posted by Mindy at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Other
Friday, August 21, 2009
So I think I'm going to do some type of youtube segment, because I'm kind of youtube obsessed, so it'll be the video of the week, or maybe every other day... or maybe fridays? I don't know but here is the video of today!!
It's this awesome cover of Taylor Swift Love Story from Romeo's point of view. Enjoy!!
Posted by Mindy at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Last Day Of Summer
It's true, I just typed those horrible little words. Today is the last day of my summer.
I'm back on campus Monday morning bright and early. Why oh why have you deceived me summer? You came full of promise, dreams, and adventure, and are leaving memories, and a sun burn. Okay, that's a lie about the sun burn. But still... why must it go by so fast?
That's the problem with summer. At the beginning all you can see is a list of goals, you are going to be a different person this time around, and then it's gone, and it's still the same old you hanging around.
So because of this melancholic day I offer a dare. Complete now or on your last day of summer, but do something crazy simply because it's the last day. Now nothing dangerous crazy, just fun. And well let's face it "Crazy" for me is probably like normal for everyone else.
But I think mayhap I'll go to a... *pauses with anticipation* concert tonight.
Haha that's the goal we'll see if it happens.
Posted by Mindy at 10:50 AM 0 comments
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Feel Good Quote Of The Day # 2
Posted by Mindy at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Feel Good Quote Of The Day #1
Posted by Mindy at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feel Good Quote of The Day
Secret #1
I'm lonely.
Kind of pathetic for someone who acknowledges themselves a shut in. But both are really true, and it stinks. I used to have a best friend, until she went away to college and forgot me. Now It's just me, myself, and I. In the beginning I didn't really mind, I've always been kind of a loner. But a couple years of being a loner has got me feeling like such a lamer.
The weird thing is, that I have had opportunity to meet other people, I mean seriously... I'm in college!! But what's my deal? Why can't I break out, and actually get to know someone? Why do I hide from the world?
Maybe because it's taking the easy road. I don't have to put any effort into friendship.
Or because I'm afraid that by putting myself out there I'll get rejected and hurt.
But what is life if you don't take chances? Looking down the road at being a shut in for the rest of my life is kind of scary. I don't want to live alone with a billion cats. Really I don't.
So all of you out there who aren't shut ins, do you have any advice? :)
Posted by Mindy at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Secrets