Friday, January 22, 2010

Love Letter #3

Dear Janie,

I can see the ocean today, and I'm glad to know you are sitting on the other end of it. If I could I would walk to you, right across the waves, over hills, across paths. I would walk until my feet bled, until I felt ready to collapse from exhaustion and still I would keep going.

{Via Weheartit}

If you saw me on the street I don't think you'd recognize me. My hair is longer, face thinner. You could walk right past me and never know. But I would know you. I wish I could see you Janie, your dark hair, blue eyes. It is your face that keeps me going on days like today.

It is cold here, an icy sleet soaks everything. Our tents. Our clothes. Turns the ground into thick mud that sticks to our boots. I say our because it seems to be how I think these days. We work as a team. We suffer the misery together.

I don't know if you'll get this letter, I hope you do. It took nearly a month for yours to find me. I imagine getting mail is only going to get worse. If this is the last letter you receive from me don't worry. I will come back to you Janie. Keep praying for me.

Love Always,