Monday, February 1, 2010

Feel Good Quote of the Day #29

Monday, January 25, 2010

I should...

Probably be working on homework, but I'm not. I'm sitting on the fourth floor of the building where my Shakespeare class is located. It starts in approximately twenty five minutes, and what better to do than sit here and say hello to all of you.

There is the gigantic window on my left which faces out to campus, and it's really interesting watching people walk by. Some of them are loners like me, trudging along head down, backpack tight over shoulder. I wonder what the world would be like if all of us lonely people banded together. We should live in a world where there doesn't have to be loners, or places where people fall forgotten through the cracks. Everyone needs a friend. It just seems to be so hard to make friends. I mean I have done it, but I have this problem where I make friends with people who need just as much as I do and I end up giving what I don't really have to give, which isn't so bad.

The interesting thing is that I titled this blog Love Always because I want to Love Always, I want the world to remember to Love Always, because if we did I think it would be a better place. Or maybe I'm just a dreamer.

Anyway, I'm off to class, here is to a happy, love filled Monday.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #28


Love Letter #3

Dear Janie,

I can see the ocean today, and I'm glad to know you are sitting on the other end of it. If I could I would walk to you, right across the waves, over hills, across paths. I would walk until my feet bled, until I felt ready to collapse from exhaustion and still I would keep going.

{Via Weheartit}

If you saw me on the street I don't think you'd recognize me. My hair is longer, face thinner. You could walk right past me and never know. But I would know you. I wish I could see you Janie, your dark hair, blue eyes. It is your face that keeps me going on days like today.

It is cold here, an icy sleet soaks everything. Our tents. Our clothes. Turns the ground into thick mud that sticks to our boots. I say our because it seems to be how I think these days. We work as a team. We suffer the misery together.

I don't know if you'll get this letter, I hope you do. It took nearly a month for yours to find me. I imagine getting mail is only going to get worse. If this is the last letter you receive from me don't worry. I will come back to you Janie. Keep praying for me.

Love Always,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #27


Book Review Of The Week #2

Book of the Week:

Wake by Lisa Mcmann

So I'd previously seen this book a lot of places, but I'd never heard anything about it. I decided to check it out from the library because I just think it has a really cool cover and it's not a very long book so I knew it would be a fast read. I loved it! I sped right through it because I couldn't put it down.

The book is about seventeen year old Janie who can't help but fall into a trance and observe other people's dreams. And that's all I'm going to say, you have to read the rest to find out. But there is romance, and surprise, and adventure. Great book.

(I sometimes wish books had ratings because I'm a fairly innocent girl and I care not to read certain things, so I've decided to include a rating system for people who want to know how clean the book is)

Rating: PG-13 (this book dropped quite a few F-bombs and the dreams she sometimes enters are not clean dreams.)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #26

{Via Weheartit}

Letters To My Future Self #5

Dear Self,

Enjoy that job that you undoubtedly hate.

{Via Weheartit}

Back here in 2010 I am struggling with school, hoping that it'll some day be worth it. So that job that you are complaining about, that you don't want to get up and go to... remember you worked hard for it! That you went through years and years of difficult homework, professors, working part time on the side, and trying to smile even though you didn't feel like it. Be happy to have that job and to not be where I am right now.

Love Always,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #25

(I find all of my feel good quotes on photobucket, however this one bothers me becaue the first to should be "Too". But I liked the quote anyway)

Monday, January 18, 2010

On the eve of going back to school.

So here I lie awake worrying about tomorrow. My university gets a longer Christmas break than most people, which I know I'm spoiled and it's really cool but let me tell you... I am NOT ready to go back. School (Especially college) has always been a challenge for me, and I am terrified because this semester I'm taking more classes than I have before. I really just want to break down and cry about now, but I know that I have to finish things that I have to stick it out and get my degree. I have to be stronger. I have to remember that this is for my own good.

Photo Via Weheartit

I have to take a deep breath. I can do this. Wish me luck.

Love always.

In Memorium

Today is the one year anniversary of my Grandpa's death.

Grandpa this post is for you.

{Via My Camera :) }

Secret #8

The more I read the more afraid I become that I will never amount to the genius of other writers.

{Via Weheartit}
No matter how many compliments I get, or good ideas I feel like I come up with I will always be 35% confident and 65% insecure about my writing. I just finish a fantastic book and think that I will never ever be able to inspire someone like a certain writer inspires me.

I just want to be good enough.

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #24


Friday, January 15, 2010

Love Letter #2

{I've seen on a few blogs writers who like to post poems/songs that they've written. Because I'm a fiction writer I thought it would be fun to do a love letter series. Disclaimer: The following is fictitious and in no way based on actual life events or people.}

Dear Warren,

I miss you, I miss you, I MISS YOU. I don't know how much longer I can live without you. My life has been one endless nightmare since you left. Boring, lonely. My mother tries to keep me as busy as she can, helping with the war effort, but it can never distract my mind for long. Do you remember back before the war, how much time we used to spend together? Hours everyday, and now I feel as if my body has been sliced right down the middle and I'm missing half.

Everything reminds me of you. When I eat pancakes for breakfast I remember that you loved yours buried in peaches and whipped cream. When I go to the library I read the sort of books that you would read, at church we sing your favorite hymns. I ache for your smile, your dark brown eyes.

I sit on the beach writing this, the very spot where you first kissed me. The ocean was beautiful then, full of colors, and warm. The spray caressed my face, circled around us with the wind.
The ocean feels empty, and dark now. Huge too. There must be millions and billions of miles of water that separate us. If I could swim across them I would.

Sometimes when I'm walking down the street I even think I see you. I'll run toward the boy with curly hair, nearly reaching him until I see that the hair isn't the right color, or the shoulders are too square, or he is too short, and then I know it isn't you.

But I'm proud of you, of what you're doing for our country and the world. Stay safe. Please Warren come back to me safe.

Love Always,

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #23


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Book Review Of The Week #1

{My job gives me lots of access to books. Therefore I read/listen to a lot of books, on average two or three a week. Some weeks are more, some weeks are less depending on what I read and how life is running. Anyway, this marks the beginning of a weekly book review hope you enjoy!!}

Book of the Week:

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."
~ Nicholas Sparks (Dear John)

This book sucks you in right from the beginning. It's a love story, but a sad story too. I loved the main character, John, and I really felt for him throughout. The reader gets to see him grow from a troubled childhood into a adult who learns from hardships along the way.

At first I thought a lot of the romance was really "puke, puke, gag, gag", all of that "oh if only I could hold her in my arms" crap, but... I don't know as the story went on I was won over. The writing is really great, the story is a tear jerker, but it is so worth it! Read this book! I can't wait for the movie.

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #23


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There is Always Hope

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am, and how many blessings that I have in my life. Today my prayers and thoughts go out to those affected by the earthquakes in Haiti. I wish there was more I could do to help.

Feel Good Of The Day #22

Letters To My Future Self #4

Dear Self,

Don't forget to laugh.

Photo via weheartit

Life is not always pretty and perfect. It doesn't always fit into perfect boxes, and things hardly ever go exactly right, and that's okay. Things don't have to be perfect.

So laugh it up. Enjoy the crazy moments while their here, and see the funny side of things when ever you can.

Love Always,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feel Good Of The Day #21

In Memory Of

This post is dedicated to the life of Miep Gies. A woman of courage who risked her life to help hide friends in a secret annex during WWII.

Photo via Wehearit

"You can still find it more important to do your human duty, and that is to assist people who need more help. I don't consider myself heroic. To tell you, I was more afraid of the many sleepless nights and the unhappy life I would have afterward had I refused to help."
~ Miep Gies

May we all live our lives more like her.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello to the New Year!!

This has been a long time coming. I've been meaning to get back to blogging, because I miss it. So here it is, my first a official post.

Photo via Photobucket

2009 wasn't that great of a year, so I'm striving to make 2010 one of the best. My goals include:

  • Being nicer to my brothers and sisters
  • Blog more
  • Writing more
  • Finishing a book (writing one that is)
  • READ as MUCH as possible
  • Laugh everyday
  • Don't give up in school
  • Smile
  • Figure out myself
  • Discover who I am
  • Encourage everyone around me to be the best they can be.
  • Sing MORE! (Even though I don't have a good voice ;)
  • Find peace
  • Live Happier
  • Be better
  • Love Always
It's a huge list, but maybe posting it here will help me live it.

Happy Monday!!

Feel Good Quote Of The Day #20